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New partnership Eden Development and Air Cairo

Long partnership contract between Eden Development and Air Cairo, aims to expand customers audience of the two companies and provide excellent services through events and projects to be established between the two companies

Mr. Hossam Nour, Commercial Director of Eden Development, said “Eden Development has an ambitious plan to expand its projects in the current year in local market of Egypt and overseas. partnership with Air Cairo is a step towards the implementation of plan. Future projects of company will soon be announced.
Mentioned “Board of Directors has a clear vision with plans based on them experience since 1982 in more than 12 countries in 13 different fields, which qualifies to carry out projects and deliver them before deadlines, in addition to achieve objective to export real estate development overseas through company branches.
Mr. Salah Samir Qadri, Commercial Director of Air Cairo, said, “Air Cairo is proud to provide the best low-cost service to millions of users, Air Cairo aims to double this number in the next phase while always maintaining the company’s policy of providing the best service with a competitive price to ensure comfort of its customers.
Mentioned “Air Cairo currently organizes weekly more than 200 flights covering Middle East and European countries, Air Cairo has a trend towards increasing numbers of flights in current markets and through the company’s expansion plans, aimed at opening new markets in West African countries.
Eden Development has earlier signed a sponsorship contract with Bedaya Association for the Support of Development Projects, especially the Educational Projects, in order to ensure that the Company carries out its social responsibility role, which is a national duty of all national companies.

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