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Marketing Director of Ibtkar Real Estate Company Real estate companies are expanding their investment plans despite the challenges facing the sector

The real estate sector is witnessing during the coming period the pumping of many investments for real estate companies, with the aim of expanding their investment plans, despite the many challenges facing the real estate sector, said Shady Mahmoud, Marketing Director of Ibtkar Real Estate Development Company.
He added that the company is expanding its investment plan during the coming period, explaining that the real estate sector gets sick but does not die, compared to other economic sectors, which makes investment in the real estate sector a safe investment, which achieves high investment returns over time.
He pointed out that most real estate companies have increased their investments, in order to face the continuous price hikes, pointing out that the real estate sector witnessed price increases of no less than 30% during the last period, and larger price increases are expected during the coming period.
He stressed that in light of the price increase, the current time is the most suitable for buying real estate, explaining that the prices of real estate units are constantly increasing, due to fluctuations in the prices of building materials.
He explained that the facilitations announced by the Council of Ministers for the real estate sector had a positive impact on the real estate market, explaining that the sector still needs more facilitations to advance the sector, by expanding the export of real estate and real estate financing, which will have a strong impact on the real estate market.

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